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Bandi Proffessionaldr Skin - nasza nowa marka
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MEDICAL anti rouge

The products of the anti rouge line are recommended for advanced care of demanding couperose skin due to their high content of active substances: vitamin PP, vitamin K, lactobionic acid, guconolactone. Their effect on the skin is related to inhibition of the formation of telangiectasia and sealing of the protective epidermal barrier.

18.5 €
Acid peel

10% lactobionic acid + gluconolactone


18.5 €

20 €
CC capillary

0.5% vitamin E + vitamin K2

out of stock

18.5 €

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MEDICAL anti rouge

MEDICAL anti rouge 1

- reduced visibility of dilated capillaries,
- smoother and moisturised capillary skin,
- improved skin tone,
- reduction of symptoms of rosacea.

MEDICAL anti rouge 2

Indications for use:
- visibly dilated capillaries,
- easily " reddening" skin,
- susceptibility to rosacea.

MEDICAL anti rouge 3

Indications for use:
- visibly dilated capillaries,
- easily " reddening" skin,
- susceptibility to rosacea.